What is Veda Yoga?

Veda Yoga is an ancient way to discover your unique personality, character and the universal purpose of your life. After realising this one can perform real karma Yoga which ultimately takes you through Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha. The whole true life journey is realised through Veda Yoga.

  • Dharma

    Dharma is our natural action and behavior towards the universe after realising the connection with it. Living our dharma makes us free from desires with actions. In other words we can say that dharma is our hidden potentiality given by nature, for nature to sustain life in the universe.

  • Artha

    Artha is the supporting material or means to implement and live Dharma on a practical level. It can be seen as materialistic needs such as money,land, home, food, clothes and useful equipment of an individual. This should be accumulated according to the dharma of a person.

  • Kama

    Kama is indulging in sensual pleasures which promote creativity and beauty in life. Kama helps an individual to live his / her creativity which fulfills the purpose of nature, the prakruti. Then nature frees the Chitta, the identified consciousness  from its attachment.

  • Moksha

    Moksha is the freedom of identified consciousness from its identifications which are given by Prakruti to sustain life. Moksha is a freedom which comes after living Trivarga which is Dharma, Artha and Kama. Trivarga is the subject of Veda. Finally Chatushtaya which means moksha is practiced with the help of Vedanta (upanishads) or Jnana Yoga.